Monday, November 23, 2009


When I was a teenager my pals and I would spend most of our days and nights hanging out in coffee shops drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. However once I got pregnant with Mr. B the smell and taste made me sick. The taste is horrible and the smell is bitter and it cant be good for your body. For years I lived with a coffee drinker and had to always have coffee in my house. I had to make sure the coffee maker was set at night for his morning coffee before he left for Tim Hortons and work. So when he left I had no problem with him taking the 3 coffee makers we owned.
Well last week someone came over to watch movies and brought me a coffee. I didn't want to be rude so I drank it and was wired all night. I got no sleep and it was super hard on my body. For some strange reason after the "I don't want to be rude so I'll drink the coffee" night, I went to buy my morning tea and ordered coffee instead. YUCK! Even though it is super bitter I'm starting to enjoy my morning coffee. It gets my butt out of bed and ready to face the day.
So I guess now I am a coffee drinker. It still tastes awful but it has been keeping me somewhat sane. LOL

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