Friday, February 13, 2009

Monkey See Monkey Do

Did your mother ever tell you NOT to put your tongue on a pole in the winter time? I remember my mother telling me not to do it and I went out and did it. Why is it that children do things that they are told not to do?

Well Mr. B was at school the other day and on the announcements in the morning they said "do not put your tongue's on the fences or poles outside at nutrition break". Well Mr. B did what he was told not to do. At nutrition he went out to play and thought it would be a good idea to stick his tongue on the fence. (Just because he was told not to). Well the teachers and kids all surrounded him and watched while the teacher pulled it off. And no, the fire department didn't come, like in the Christmas Story. When Mr. B told me the story after school, he was so upset. He said that one of his friends told him that half of his tongue was gone. He was mortified.

This story was told in the car while we were waiting for Jay after work and even though Little Missy is almost 3, she must really pays attention to everything. Because the next day while at my sisters house we were on our way inside and I hear this blood curdling scream, and see her entire mouth wrapped around the porch railing. I has to drop everything and run to her rescue. Using my hot breath on her mouth we were finally able to pull it off. Little Missy's words were "half of my tongue is gone".....Monkey see monkey do!

1 comment:

  1. Your sister told me this story...but reading it...I still couldn't help but laugh. I remember getting my finger stuck to metal outside when I was younger.
