Saturday, February 7, 2009

So how do I start this new phase of my life in blogging? Well I guess I'll start by telling you all that my life is crazy. I have 3 kids and a husband who works really hard. I have a gecko named Max and a dog named Lady. I work part time, and in school full time. I also will be starting my volunteer work in the next month or so. So when I say I live a crazy life I mean it. My children are fantastic kids, and my husband is pretty cool too.

I guess I will let you know a bit about my children. Big A is 13 going on 30, and right now is into boxing, which changes frequently. He is in grade 8 now and looking forward to grade 12 graduation. LOL... Mr B is 6 and in grade 1, and loving it. He is our little man who wants more and more freedom every day. Little Missy is our 3 year old who is our chatter box. She started walking at 10 months, and I believe she is the reason we stopped having kids. LOL... Lady is new to our lives. She is a Jackapoo and so full of energy. She loves to chew. Needless to say half of Little Missy's Barbies are amputees now. And finally Max is a Crested Gecko, who does nothing but eat crickets and takes up space in my living room.

So this is it for today, and I guess I'll get on here a few time a week. Oh and thanks to my sister who is a professional blogger who got me all set up here. I hope I do you proud dude.


  1. Thanks...I am now officially a blog

  2. I am not a professional...haha, but I do love blogging!! I can't wait to read all the stories that I have lived through you!! LOL!!
